Sunday, September 12, 2010

All about Scout

But, we do have Lyle W with us for the weekend! He's gotten his picture taken plenty of times so we spared him the inconvenience.
Speaking of inconveniences, Scout is rather a pain to photograph. Potty training is dribbling along at a slow pace. By the time she's trained we expect to have the entire carpet cleaned, spot by spot. She's a smart dog- she just gets sooo excited.

This is typical. Typical puppy. Shaking her fool head off, trying to rip an old hat to shreds.

Stood still for 1/100th of a second. Or however long it takes a shutter to do its thing.

Some time ago. At grandma Lori's. From nose to tail tip, when we first got her, she was as big as her head is now. I think her bladder was the same size then as it is now... Did I mention that potty training isn't progressing nearly as quickly as I'd like? Number two always happens outside but this number one thing is a stinker.

And a blanket Shauna just couldn't pass up. She tried. Heaven knows she tried. But she came back from a trip to Twin with Julie with this eclectic number under her arm. And now she wants to go to Boise with Julie and Lori. Dear me.

Shauna's new paint in the laundry. The trim won't be white much longer. Just haven't gotten that far yet.

The beautiful paper under the paper that was supposed to look like they'd textured and painted. Wallpaper made to look like it's not wallpaper. Interesting. It's all coming off eventually and then someone will have to texture and paint for realsies. Dear me.

The view out our window today. Bovines lounging in the afternoon sun. Should have taken a picture of the south hills yesterday. Snow on their heads! It's back to being pleasantly warm tail-end-of-summer kind of days again.

Anyone want to take a squash home? Broccoli's coming on, pumpkins might have made something of themselves if they had gotten an earlier start, corn was a pitiful experiment, radishes, beets, lettuce are all done. Still some green beans that Scout hasn't terrorized yet.

Potato harvest gets ramped up to full speed on Wednesday. It's been a nice little reprieve but this too must pass.