Emma wound up back in the hospital Wednesday evening. Needed some more time in the oven. But her numbers stabilized overnight and she was back home Thursday afternoon. All's well and back to normal. Uh. The new normal. Totally new normal.
But, let's put it in reverse for a bit. Here's momma after her epidural. Passed out completely from exhaustion. Of course we would never take advantage of that opportunity...
Awake- barely.
Heading home from the hospital. You'd think she would have been a little more enthused about getting out of there.
Home. A titch frazzled.
The many faces of Emma. You know those little plastic photo flip things? The ones that parents and grandparents have in their wallets? Mini photo albums of their oh-so-cute children.
Hooray for blogs! Those little plastic things could only hold like six pictures. Here you get to enjoy so many more!
Just what you were looking for.
I've provided some interpretations for you all. Just in case yo can't pick up on the subtle differences between the different grimaces and screwed up faces.
My what a big binky you have.
The better to practice with.
You folks are interesting and all, but where's that great dad of mine?
Check out the long fingers. She can already palm a basketball. Oh, and the face is really cute too!
'Scuse me
My dad is so funny!
Ow. There's something in my ear.
Practicing her theatrics.
Now, what did you guys do with those boobs?
You should have seen the one that got away!
Couldn't capture the one of her winking and raising her eyebrow at the same time. Can't decide if she wants it open or closed. That is, of course, one of the signs of advanced intelligence.
Where are those boobs?
Have you seen my afternoon snack anywhere?
Ok. Seriously. Boobs please. Now.
Stay tuned. There's sure to be more to come!