Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bachelorhood take four, five?

Things have been pretty quiet around here lately. Here being this blog- not our life. Shauna came home from Ohio last Wednesday. We thought we might have a few weeks or even a month together but, unfortunately, Jessi's failing and Shauna's on her way back to Ohio. This time it's a road trip with her parents. I'll fly out when it comes time for a memorial service and maybe drive back with her and Dave. Sandra plans to stay out there a while.
That's news in a nutshell. I might have driven out to Ohio with them but life has been busy on the farm. Big push to get all of the potatoes in the ground and now a big rush to get them all cultivated before they pop up. (Have to fluff their beds, tuck them in, get rid of the weeds while they're small...) It's not usually such a big rush but the weather has been throwing wrenches in our gears this spring. Rained like it was Eugene the other day. Minus the interesting counter-culture of course. After meeting this morning, the folks were commenting about how muggy it is. I think the humidity is around 10 percent or something.
ps: one thing I learned in the rain: remember that film of Oreo goo we have on our windows? Well, you can't tell it's there anymore until it rains. Turns out Oreo centers are made of the same stuff Rain X is made of.
Here are a few ho-hum pictures.

We haul in potato seed from up north (Arco) and dump it into a big huge bin. They meter it out of the bin and through the cutting machine.

Then four people watch them as they go by and cut the ones that are still too big by hand. The cut seed goes through a drum that coats them with a fungicide. Then they hang out in another great big bin until it's their turn to climb into a truck and head to the field. Every time potatoes move it involves a small army of people. They sure seem labor intensive and temperamental but America has a love affair with fries!

Bored (the bin was too full I think) and looking for random shots. This is the view potatoes get when they exit the rear of the trailer on their way to the bin.


And a few not so ho-hum pictures. Our vintage store couch has gotten the first stage in its make-over!

Reversible for your seating pleasure.

Thanks Sarah!

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