Tuesday, May 25, 2010

There and back again

It was great to get out to Ohio. Shauna drove out with her parents and I followed later in the week with Delta as my chauffeur. It was originally thought that Jessi's service would be a small affair but it seems that you can't live the kind of life she lived and have a small service.
I felt a little bit more properly initiated to Ohio this time around. The first time I was there it was more or less because Ohio was where Shauna was at the time. Then there was the ripping trip to pick up the girls for the wedding. This time I got to spend time around the campfire with the neighbors, watch lightning bugs, listen to the frogs, soak up the muggy air, meet Billy Bob (a true Ohioan- sometimes a feller needs a translator to know what the dickens he's a tryin to say), and play cornhole. That there's a game liken to horse shoes 'cept with bean bags and boards with holes in them. Ain't like y'all filthy minded critters were thinkin.

Then there was the trip home. Dave and Sandra and Shauna and I left Sunday after lunch.
We dropped down to somewhere that I suppose wasn't too far off of sea level when we crossed the Mississippi, and hit 7000 feet in WY with nary a hill in between. The only sign that you're on a steadily rising slope is that the scenery slowly takes on a more arid appearance.
Ohio to Indiana to Illinois to Iowa to Nebraska to Wyoming to Utah to Idaho. Had a nice overnighter in Rock Island, Illinois and again in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Here are some scenic shots from our trip.

West of Ray, OH.

Betwixt OH and IN.

Doing the morning do in the canopy reflection in Rock Island.

Somewhere in the middle of America.

Lunchtime in Iowa.

Nebraska- I think.

On the road after a night in Cheyenne.

Further along in Wyoming.

So, there you have it. Our trip across the beautiful U.S.


  1. Sweet how charming Shauna looks in any state. Can you then say you can take that girl anywhere? :)

  2. I love it that Shauna's traveling through life with someone who appreciates the scenery so much. Thanks for sharing. Miss you guys and thinking of you lots.

  3. I think I might be from somewhere similar to Ohio, we used to play something called Holey Board (or something like that) at family reunions (on the Lehman side) I wasn't never quite sure how to spell it...Hole-y? Not holy, I know that much.

  4. How sweet - and I know you passed some gorgeous scenery on at least part of the trip -but you had the best right at your side!
